The dashboard acts as a central point of contact for customers and developers. Customers have the opportunity to view their licenses and update their IP address here. Developers, on the other hand, can not only manage their own licenses and resources, but also create new licenses, customize existing ones, and edit the text for Discord notifications. By integrating webhooks, real-time monitoring is possible, allowing changes to be made immediately
Our server-side IP obfuscation provides an additional layer of security by encrypting IP addresses and tying each license to a specific IP. Customers have the option to change their IP address either through the dashboard or our Discord bot, allowing them to increase control over access to resources.
Script Encryption
Our advanced script encryption guarantees protection of both client- and server-side Lua scripts from unauthorized access. This encryption technology provides a robust layer of security to secure source code and ensure the integrity of applications.
Security from Strangers
Our licensing system is specifically designed to protect applications from potential threats from leakers, resellers or unauthorized users. By combining encryption, IP obfuscation and obfuscation, the security of the software is raised to the highest possible level.
Discord Bot
Our Discord bot offers comprehensive features for customers and developers. This includes easily requesting license keys, creating new licenses and the ability to easily change the IP address of resources. This user-friendly interface enables seamless interaction with the licensing system and makes it easier for developers to manage their licenses.
Discord Webhook Integration
The Discord webhook integration enables seamless communication with Discord for both authorized and unauthorized uses. For authorized actions, the webhook sends a specific notification, while for unauthorized access, a notification is sent to @everyone. This enables real-time monitoring and facilitates rapid response to potential threats.